
Chompettes cooking companions
Chompettes cooking companions

chompettes cooking companions

The only cannibal I could find commiting crimes around this time would be Boone Helme, active from 1850-1864. This came from me typing in "serial killer cannibals in *insert time period here*" which i bet google loved. Albert Fish wasn't alive in the 1800s, and Jack The Ripper's most similar kill to that of the third victim took place in 1888. Now, the only issue with Cyppek is the fact he wasn't born in 1862. Only today did I stumble across Józef Cyppek.


Now, when I was looking at copycat serial killers for my crossover fic, I came across the likes of Albert Fish and Jack The Ripper. The fact that they "found" a body in a barrel confirms that they hadn't seen any information about it before. It's known that all four of them can read so it'd be likely, considering they're holding their own investigations, they would have had the chance to read the newspaper article if it had been published. It'd be unlikely that The Chompettes would have read the article. Celina, Bolek and Oleg found that body in the barrel.įor this reason, I am placing The Chompette Origin story in 1862, slightly before June 26th. Now, the body being found in the barrel as stated by the bloody newspaper that can be found says that it was found June 26th 1862. On the 1st day, the note in the bathroom would mention a Ruslana Orlich within it's contents but would be signed off by a Leonard Kazimierz. On Day 13, a letter dated May 4th 1794 would be signed off as Judge Konstancji Luiz.

chompettes cooking companions

Now I'm not sure if this has already been flagged because I don't use reddit very often but this is where the fandom seems to be so this is where I am! I noticed that with the notes, the names were mentioned in full. This all stemmed from trying to find out when the DLC was set THOSE WERE PEOPLE.' The reason this line in particular caught my interest was because whoever Konstancji was, he was also mentioned as the boy in Bolek's math class who was bullying him. So during the Chompettes Origin story, taking a certain set of answers would lead Cabbage to saying this: ' BECAUSE INNOCENT LIVES GET CAUGHT IN YOUR MEDDLING. I'm not giving out personal details here but it shouldn't be that difficult to find :)) for those curious and want to read, there are two fics under the same name in the same fandom other than cooking companions. This is my first theory this heavy in content so plz be nice- I also want to specify, and it's mentioned here, that this theory stemmed from the fact I am writing a Cooking Companions crossover fic on ao3. It is 1:20 AM, and I do not planning on reading over this. Excuse the fact that I didn't proof read this.

Chompettes cooking companions